Welcome to Our Wedding

A big thank you goes out to everyone who attended our wedding! It was a great event. Steven Humphrey from the Portland Mercury officiated, there was live music, an open bar, voodoo donuts, peacock attacks and a spontaneous outbreak of freestyle rapping. All in all, a good night.

Skip to the epilogue to find out more details and view a growing archive of photos.

chapterChapter 1: A Love Story

A good story always begins with the introduction of the main characters. Dive in to learn more about Gabriel and Samantha. How ever did these star-crossed lovers meet?

chapterChapter 2: Deciphering your Invitation

By now, you may have received a rather thick, dark brown envelope in the mail. This chapter will help you to decipher the complicated document.

chapterChapter 3: Our Registry

Thinking about getting the happy couple a gift? Here are some options that you may not have thought about.

chapterChapter 4: Welcome to Portland

Many of you live near us. Many of you do not. While the former may choose to skip this chapter, be warned: there will be a test later!

chapterChapter 5: The Main Event

And here we go. Use the map to get the shortest distance from your house to the ceremony location. Note to self -  Get the time and location correct!

chapterEpilogue …

How will this story end? Will it be filled with drama, or comedy? I have no idea! Instead, here are some pretty pictures of flowers.